Mindful. Memorable. Meaningful.

For Yoga & Wellness Retreats

Include a Mala Making & Art Meditation Workshop

If you are planning to host a yoga or wellness retreat in Baja California Sur, Mexico or Southern California, USA, consider including a Baja Malas Mala Making & Art Meditation Workshop as part of your retreat’s mindful & meaningful experiences. During the workshop, your guests will learn about the significance of meditation malas, take time to set their intentions, and then create their own, 108 bead, hand-knotted mala infused with theirs prayers & energy.

Why do we call it meditative art? Although malas are traditionally used for japa meditation, many find the simple, repetitive act of hand-knotting 108 beads together a meditation in itself. No yoga or meditation experience is required. We keep the energy light and the learning simple so that everyone feels welcome. Your guests will leave with a personally charged, tangible reminder of their magical time with you in Baja or SoCal.

*NOTE: for retreats in Southern California, please inquire for rates

Baja Malas Retreat Workshops

We offer two different experiences to accommodate your retreat’s budget and schedule.

All Workshops Include:

  • Learning about malas

  • Taking a moment to set our intentions

  • Group & individual instruction to hand-knot their mala

  • All materials and tools to create a full 108 bead mala.

    • Choice of the following beads. Please see photos below. (The retreat leader will choose the same bead for everyone to use*)

      • Aqua Terra Jasper. This unique bead contains a beautiful mixture of soft blues & earthtones.

      • White Turquoise. White stone with tan veins running through.

      • Golden Sandalwood. Lightweight and possess a soft woodsy scent.

      • Other options such are available if discussed and ordered well in advance. (2-3 months before retreat date)

        *I understand you’ might like to offer more than one bead option for your guests, but please trust us that providing the choice of color knotting cord (5+ colors), the guru bead (5+ choices) and color tassel (10+ colors) is the appropriate number of decisions for your guests to make for their first mala. I am confident everyone will be truly happy with the mala they create.

Please select from one of the experiences listed below to include in your retreat.

The Todos Santos Experience

3.5 hours The OG Baja Malas Workshop where we spend 3.5 hours with you and your guests, offering additional learning & support throughout the entire journey, and help each guest complete their personal mala. If everyone completes their mala within the 3.5 hours, we can join together to practice a brief japa meditation using our new sacred piece of jewelry.

$72/person using aqua terra jasper semi-precious gemstones

$63/person for white turquoise or golden sandalwood

The Pescadero Experience

2 Hours To accommodate retreats that don't have the luxury of designating a full 3.5 hour block of time, this shorter experience begins like The Todos Santos Experience but everyone will have time to finish knotting their mala in their own time. We return the next day for 30 minutes to help everyone complete their mala necklace with their guru bead and tassel.

$63/person using aqua terra jasper semi-precious gemstones

$54/person for white turquoise or golden sandalwood

The Cerritos Experience

2 Hours Another option for retreats that have only a 2 hour time frame to gather for the workshop is The Cerritos Experience. With this choice everyone will finish & complete their mala in their own time. Before we leave, we make sure everyone is comfortable continuing on their own, and we demonstrate how to complete the mala with the guru bead and tassel. You will have access to a video demonstration of this process as well as written instructions and I leave the materials needed to complete the process.

$57/person using aqua terra jasper semi-precious gemstones

$48/person for white turquoise or golden sandalwood

Intention-Setting Bracelet Workshop

1.5 hour If you are seeking a meaningful, brief, easy experience, consider this art-meditation workshop. You and your guests will learn a bit about the significance of malas, take a moment to set their intentions and then choose from a selection of beads to create 3 different beaded, stretch bracelets. (not handkotted) This experience is short and easy for everyone to do.

Cost: US$27/person

Custom Malas for your Retreat Guests

Perhaps including a mala making workshop isn’t the right fit for your wellness retreat, but you’d like to leave your guests with a meaningful, unique & sacred piece of jewelry to honor & remember their experience. Baja Malas can create custom malas just for you so that you can include this beautiful gift as part of your retreat offerings.